You’ve won your medals, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep displaying them. Follow these guidelines and you’ll learn to lead with grace and success. The more successful a person is, the more others want to be around them and emulate them. All bets are off, though, if the person at the top acts arrogantly. A swift loss of respect can befall the leader.

This pattern of events occurs frequently in businesses. But if you can hold your ego in check as you step onto the winner’s podium, more and more acclaim will be heading your way.

Recognise the Efforts of Those Around You

Just think about one leader who manages their team without any help from anyone else. Let me wait. Even if you’re a one-person operation, you’ve probably benefited from the help of others, whether in the form of financial backing or simply the provision of a midday meal. Furthermore, in a typical business setting, it would be impossible for a leader to be proficient in every area of operation. If you’ve been successful, it’s because of the many wonderful people who have helped you along the way.

By insisting that our marketing team avoid using the term “I” in any of their copy, I can keep a realistic perspective on the team’s collective efforts. If I’m going to be receiving an award, I want it to be announced as a team victory. We will announce that I am accepting the prize on the company’s behalf and highlight the broader commercial context. When we sold the company and people remarked on how I’d led the negotiation, I thanked them for their kind words but emphasised that we couldn’t have succeeded without their hard work as a team. Be sincere; I promise you, your team will be able to tell if you’re not.

You shouldn’t keep quiet about your leadership achievements because your followers care about your success. People urge you to pay attention to others and realise that life is about more than just you. It’s also taken for granted that you’ve done a fantastic job if you’ve achieved success. Master the art of accepting praise without needing to continuously polish your trophy.

Exhibit Accessibility and Warmth

I sent a text message to an old high school friend not too long ago. They wrote back telling me not to be concerned about them since they knew I was “super occupied.”  I promised them I wouldn’t ever have so much happening that I can’t talk to them when they needed me.

I am quite occupied at the moment. But if I hadn’t replied, my friend could have thought I was unavailable. A person’s professional life might be severely affected by a negative image. Let’s say my pal meets someone who could be interested in doing business with my firm. Do I want my buddy to present me as someone mature enough to respond to a friend’s text if they hand along a contact number for someone new? Or should I make it clear that I’m unreachable?

Maintaining accessibility and friendliness might help you strike a balance between arrogance and success. People will create their own, less flattering story about you if you don’t craft the one they’ll use to find you. If you’re in charge of the company’s financial outcomes, your employees must know they can reach you at any time.

Admit Your Mistakes Openly and Move on

Our company, like many others, has begun to give serious consideration to the recruitment, hiring, and succession planning processes. We had a new hire recently, and I let their boss know right away that they weren’t cutting it based on their performance in a few early meetings. A few weeks later, I sat down in the office of the new hire and confessed my mistake, saying that they turned out to be an excellent addition to the team. The manager thanked me for being forthright and said he was glad we could discuss the employee’s progress openly.

You’ll make plenty of mistakes beyond just hiring, and taking responsibility for them can be nerve-wracking. People are more likely to respect you when making important decisions because of your integrity. They will have witnessed several instances of your candour, so they will not doubt your leadership or judgment.

Don’t Act as if This is Your First “Rodeo”

When I was young in my profession (around age 24), I had the opportunity to work for a Fortune 100 firm. I was able to take the company chopper to the private jet. The security guy was able to spot my grin from a mile away. As he faced me, Dad continued, “Son, act like you’ve been here before.”

That piece of advice stuck with me throughout my professional life, and I was reminded of it only recently when I was in a meeting with someone who had recently experienced the success of their own and was showing off images of the condo they were building on their phone. Despite my sympathy for their elation, I couldn’t help but feel that they came across as a chump who’d never had a major win. The remarks of the security guard popped into my head right away.

It’s a Constant Struggle, but I Find the Tension and Equilibrium Quite Appealing

Fortunately, early on in my career, I had folks who kept telling me to “get over myself” and “let people see my real journey” to achieve my goals. Nevertheless, I still struggle with maintaining a healthy equilibrium between modesty and achievement. It’s probably the same for you. Your decision won’t alter the fact that you have the power to share your successes and failures with the world daily. From what I’ve seen, being proud of where you are while revealing flaws and all makes you far more approachable and likable.